Alcohol, Drug and Gambling Problems

Ronda Trumper M.A., Registered Psychologist

Problems with Alcohol, Drugs and Gambling Effect the Whole Family and Every Area of Life

Often what started out as an enjoyable activity or coping strategy has now developed into a problem affecting every area of  life and everyone we care about. It can be difficult to know where to start to get things back on track. Perhaps there have been attempts to stop using and/or gambling in the past and they have been unsuccessful. Hopelessness may start to take root but as long as there is a desire for change, change can happen.

Counselling for Alcohol, Drug and Gambling Problems

Counselling sessions can provide a safe, non-judgemental environment to begin addressing these problematic behaviors. Using a solution focused approach goals for change will be collaboratively developed and strategies that will work best for you will be identified.

What if Someone in My Life has a Alcohol, Drug or Gambling Problem and Refuses to Go To Counselling?

It can be extremely frustrating when someone else's alcohol,drug use or gambling is having a negative effect on our lives and they are not willing to participate in the change process. Counselling may be helpful for you to develop coping strategies for dealing with your current situation, learn about community resources available for you and develop strategies for developing healthy boundaries and limits with the person in your life who is struggling.

What if I am Not Addicted to Drugs, Alcohol or Gambling?

I feel it is much more helpful to focus on "problems" rather than labels like "addiction". If your alcohol, drug use or gambling is causing problems in your life and you continue to use, then that is a problem worth addressing. The great news is the less entrenched the problem is, the easier it is to create change. 403.827.4113 1511 - 10 Street South West, Calgary, AB T2R 1E8